At the Children's Rehabilitation Center "Kosh" we talked to Laura Movsisyan, Head of the Department of the Center, Associate Professor of YSMU, #child #rehabilitation therapist, who presented in detail the features of the #MetaGait device from a professional point of view.

As you know, the mechanical part of the #kid’s MetaGait device performs the same function as the #Walking Simulator device, but in the case of MetaGait the child's movement is #synchronized in a game, which the child follows through the screen in front of him. In addition, the device is also equipped with educational games.

We also promise to present the opinion of the same expert about the tremendous positive impact the Walking Simulator has on the treatment of children.

Let us also note that Laura Movsisyan heads the rehabilitation service of the Armenak and Anna Tadeosyan Foundation Medical Center.